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Nate Lentz

Pre-Commit Linting with Husky & Prettier

/ 2 min read

Last Updated:

Learn how to setup pre-commit linting using Prettier and newer versions of Husky

This tutorial has not yet been updated to cover Prettier v3.

This will be replaced in the near future with a tutorial using lint-staged as that is agnostic to the linting tool being used

Pre-Commit hooks are a neat way to help keep code bases clean and avoid introducing unnecessary noise during the code review process. I commonly use pre commit hooks to run linting, tests, or check for other trivial things that need not be pointed out in Pull Requests leaving more time to focus on more important changes.

Husky makes using Git hooks quite easy but setup can be confusing with newer versions. Since v5 support of an entry in the package.json has been dropped so a lot of tutorials are out of date.


  • Prettier (installed as a dev dependency in your project)
  • npm or yarn

Install Husky

We can start by adding Husky to our project. If you are already using an older version of Husky (v4), you can skip the rest of this blog and just follow this migration guide.

# npm
npx husky-init && npm install
# yarn
npx husky-init && yarn install

This does a few things:

  • A .husky directory added to the root of the project. This is the default Husky directory where hooks will live.
  • A simple pre-commit hook is created under this directory which we can tailor as we see fit.

Install pretty-quick

pretty-quick will run Prettier on your changed files. Add this as a dev dependency to your project.

# npm
npm install --save-dev pretty-quick
# yarn
yarn add -D pretty-quick

Configure the Hook

To run pretty-quick as part of our pre-commit hook, we simply need to add a command for it

Add to package.json a new script to run from the hook

  "pre-commit-checks": "pretty-quick --staged"

Then add this script to the pre-commit hook that was created under .husky/pre-commit

. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"

npm run pre-commit-checks


All done. That’s it. Go ahead and make changes as usual. The next time you commit, you will see your pre-commit hook execute.


You can see some other options for combining Prettier with Pre-Commit tools here.